Well, I think is time
to write something about the things that just happened. I’m just amazed of how
the Lord works things out. I wrote about
getting a 500 dollar scholarship at UVU this last December, while doing that I
also applied for scholarships at the same honor society at a national level. I
tend to put myself down, and this wasn’t an exception, however, and like always
Mike was there to let me know that I was as suitable as any other candidate to
get this scholarship (5000 dollars in my checking account). I submitted my
application in October and didn’t give it too much thought, although I had to
write a 5 page essay, write in detail every single service I gave, including
people who could verify it was true. It was exhausting because when I decided
to give my free time to serve others I didn’t do it thinking that I should
report every single thing to someone. I decided to ask Dara to write a letter
for me, even though I knew that it had to be written by a university official
familiar with all my activities. Dara wrote me a beautiful and unconventional
letter, she is awesome. Well, at the beginning of February I receive the email
that said that I had been chosen to receive the 2011 Golden Key Undergraduate
Achievement Scholarship. We’ve used most of the money to pay debt, we saved
some money for our baby furniture and Mike suggested that I should go see my
parents in Mexico.
I told my sister about it but asked her not to
tell my mom in case my doctor thought I shouldn’t travel. As some of you know,
my parents had been taking the missionary discussions since October and every
time I spoke with my mom I could hear both interest and doubt. One day she told
me that one of the missionaries had told them that he had felt very strongly
that they should get baptized on March 24th, for my mom this was one
of the weirdest things, they had a mini lesson on revelations and answers to prayers. I have to say that I
never got too excited about this, I thought that if it took ME almost two years
to accept the true not knowing anything about the church, it was going to take
my parents forever to make a decision because they have had a different
experience with the church. When I started going to church my mom started
finding all kinds of anti-Mormon stuff online, and receiving terrible comments
from ignorant people.
For some reason my
parents do not have missionaries in their ward, so a senior missionary couple
that is actually serving in the temple have been nice enough to visit my
parents every Tuesday. Eventually, missionaries from another ward started visit
them also. This older couple has been a huge blessing in my parents’ lives, I
remember one Tuesday I was feeling horrible, I was starving and could not keep anything
in my stomach, I was dizzy and even though I don’t like to tell my mom these
things because she is the queen of freak outs, I felt like I needed to talk to
her. I was crying so bad, I needed somebody to tell me that this was going to
go away. At the end when I asked her how things were going she told me that my
sister was sleeping next to her on absolute bed rest because she was bleeding
(My sister is pregnant with her second baby, she lost her first at 19 weeks
last year). I felt terrible that she had to get bad news about both of us in
the same day. That day the older couple went to visit them, Elder Jorquera offered
to give them a blessing of comfort. My dad say he felt so calm. I think that
was the day that my parents’ actually started to pay attentions to the
whisperings of the spirit.
With so many things to
remember I don’t even know if I have the facts right, but at some point my mom
told my sister that she had told the missionaries that she would not get
baptized if I was not there to be with them and if Mike was not there to perform
the baptism. My sister then told her that I was actually going to go to Mexico
after my doctor’s appointment, and then out of nowhere my mom said, “then I will
be baptized”. My dad got his own revelation, he said that there is a girl that
has been going to church, they are together in the gospel principles class,
that week she had been baptized and the teacher asked her to share her
conversion story. She said that her brother
had joined the church years ago and that he decided to serve a mission, she said that after that she could see how happy he was and the
difference that the gospel had made in his life, that her life had been very
different before knowing anything about the gospel, but that she was willing to change
if this was going to give her strength to find happiness even in difficult times.
My dad was crying and when they got out of church he told my mom that when this
girl was speaking he felt like I was talking to him. That day he too decided to
get baptized. I did not know any of these until my mom asked me to call her.
When she told me I was like numb, I wasn’t crying, and I wasn’t jumping like
crazy either I just remember asking “are
you sure? Are you BOTH sure?. All this time I had thought that my dad was going
because my mom was forcing him. I told her that she didn’t have to do it
because I was going, I told her a thousand times that I would still go even if
she decided not to be baptized, but then she told me that the missionaries had
taught her to listen to the promptings of the spirits, and that she and my dad
had felt them very strongly. I told them
that I wasn’t sure Mike could make it, but when I asked Mike he told me we
could figure something out so that he could also go. I guess we are not getting furniture
for a while, but is so worth it! Our apartment is empty, but our hearts are
My brother and sister
have been amazing; even though they do not understand their decision they have
noticed small changes in them. My sister says she is proud of them for doing
something that they believe in.
The day of the baptism
my mom called me and asked me if Mike had his temple recommend with him, I knew
it was inside his temple bag. I emailed him to ask him and I was right, he didn’t
have it with him and he was going from his work to the airport, which is south
of his work, our apartment is north from his work. The missionaries were at my
house that day, they told me that the new bishop was asking for that, and the
only thing I could think of was giving them our Utah bishop number. Thankfully
he decided to get out early from work and went back to the apartment, what a
The day of the baptism
we were all excited, we got to the church half an hour early and the new bishop
was there (he was sustained that Sunday). I saw him calling Mike into his
office with a face that wasn’t very friendly. When they got out Mike had a
concerned look on his face. He told my parents and me that the Bishop had decided
to do the confirmation on Sunday, Mike was leaving on Sunday at 6 AM. I was
super sad; I had to hold back some tears. I put myself together and told my
parents, who were also sad, that we should respect the Bishop’s decision; I
told them that he was a chosen man and the authority of their ward. They
While planning the
program for the baptism I purposely suggested some names for the little talks so my mom wouldn’t
chose me, I did not want to do it because I knew I was going to be a wreck, but
that didn’t save me from giving the opening prayer. I started crying before I
could start talking, I hadn’t cried all that time. It was a beautiful ceremony.
In the middle of the ceremony I saw the bishop walking up to Mike and whisper something
to him. And then when it was time to start the baptisms the bishop and the stake
president took my parents and Mike to his office!! My brother and sister asked
what was going on and I could only nod, I was so confused! They came back into
the room and then we all went out to take some pictures, after the pictures we
all went back to the room except my dad and Mike; they were ready for the
baptism. It was so amazing to see my husband baptizing my dad, I was crying the
whole time.
They BOTH came back to
the room dressed, which I thought was weird because Mike was supposed to be
waiting to baptize my mom. Then the
bishop announced that we were going to have the confirmation followed by and ordination
to give my dad the Aaronic Priesthood so he could have the power to baptize my
mom. That was one of those moments in which you are so surprise you don’t even
react. It all happened so fast. Mike did the confirmation, then the bishop
ordained him an Elder, then they left the room again with my mom and got
changed again into the baptismal clothes.
My dad was so nervous,
even though Mike was by his side whispering the words in his ear; he had to
repeat the words twice. Finally after his third attempt to say the words right
my mom’s elbow came out of the water and he had to do it one more time.
At the end it was
perfect, I do not understand what happened or why, but I know that somebody
must have gotten that direction from the Lord, we were all crying, including my
sister. The spirit was so strong and there was a lot of people supporting my
parents. I did have the best experience in that ward when I started going to
church, but I am so grateful that they are doing a great job in welcoming my
parents. Actually, the bishop gave my dad his first assignment that day; he was
to bless the sacrament the following day on sacrament meeting. As I said
before, I do not understand everything that happened that day, I am just
grateful that we were able to witness something so beautiful.
I am so grateful for
my husband, he had a full day of work on Friday, and then he had to go back to
our apartment to get his temple recommend and then took a flight to Cancun,
where he then had to take a bus to the bus station to take another bus to
Merida. He got to my parents’ house at 2 AM on Saturday. We had a full day on
Saturday and after the baptism we had a little birthday celebration for him. He
took a bus to Cancun at 6 AM on Sunday; he was incredibly tired.
I'm back in Atlanta, it is always hard to say goodbye seeing how sad my family gets. I guess is now time to prepare for our little princess. We are so excited! Mike still doesn't know what is he going to do with a girl. I know perfectly what I am going to do!
Thank you so very much for all your support. We love our family.
My parents and Mike |
My dad's sister Consuelo, My sister's husband Ricardo, my sister Ligia, my dad, my mom, my brother Rodrigo, and his girlfriend Andrea |
The missionaries from Chile Brother and Sister Jorquera, my parents, sister Lucy is my parent's gospel principles teacher, and the Stake President's wife, who was the lady who took my mom to church for the first time in October. |
Mike's little birthday celebration, we ate chocolate and Nutella cake! |
Ready to go to church, my dad had to repeat the words twice, but I think that's normal given that he was baptized the day before! |