domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

20 Weeks and a new calling

Today I was set apart as the assistant camp director for my ward and the other family ward that comes to our building. I have no idea what I am going to be doing since I don't know anything about camping and I don't really enjoy it, but I know I will learn to love it. Most importantly, I will try my best to serve and to do the things that the lord wants me to do. Not for nothing one of my favorite hymns is "I'll go where you want me to go".

This is my baby bump at 20 weeks!
I didn't realize how hard it is to take a picture like this since you actually try not to show any belly in pictures, and then my photographer lacks aunt Karen's experience.

4 comentarios:

  1. That's so exciting to see new life forming!

  2. LOVE the new posts! You look so cute with that little baby bump. I can't wait to find out if your having a girl or boy! I will be waiting for a call or text on the 30th. Im so glad you are feeling better. I don't think you ever get use to having morning sickness.
    You have had a busy year, you are such a great example to all of us.

  3. You are so cute. Congrats on the new calling.

  4. What a cute little Mommie. I hope that baby doesn't get too big. You look so cute. It makes me so excited. Everyone will be excited for the 30th to come.
