domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Mexican dresses!

This is our little princess. until now her name is Lisa, we  haven't decided the middle name just yet. She was moving too much and that's why the picture is so blurry
 While Mike was in Merida we decided to buy some Mexican dresses. I am from the Yucatan peninsula, and there is an specific type of dress that is particular of the region, they are called ternos. I thought I got one for her baby blessing, but after seeing newborn stuff for the first time I realized that this dress is probably too big. Oh well, she'll use it someday. Mike picked the red dress (if you ever see our baby with something that is not pink it probably wasn't my idea). I also got some hats, I love them!
This is how they look when they are wearing the full costume. When they are original the flowers are embroidered by hand.

A little terno from the state of Yucatan, Mexico

Daddy's pick
Little beanie!

Yes, this is a giant papaya!

5 comentarios:

  1. Cute baby picture. I love the dresses and beanie! That is a huge papaya, wow!

  2. I love the dresses! She will look so cute in them. Can't wait to see her!

  3. Okay, Im in love with your daughter already. You didn't have to name her Lisa but I LOVE IT! I have been busy sewing stuff for her. I can't wait to send it out to you. I also love both the dresses...I wish you lived closer!

  4. I can already tell Little Lisa is going to be so cute. Look at that cute little nose. I think we are going to have a problem having you three so far away.

  5. I love the hat!! We can't wait to see the real Lisa. Such a fun time for you...I remember getting ready for our first almost 30 years ago. Kiddos change your life forever!! Kay Lynn
