miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

The End of Swaddling

Mika started rolling over eight days after turning 3 months old. I know because she did it while I was recording a little video of her as an anniversary little present for Mike on July 23rd. I didn’t think much of it until three weeks ago when she started rolling over to her stomach WHILE swaddled. I thought it was a one-time thing but she kept on doing it. It is kind of scary because once she is on her stomach with both arms strapped tightly to her sides she cannot go back to her back nor she can push herself up. We decided that it was time to stop swaddling her, which is very hard let me tell you.  I wonder if anywhere in the world there are parent who do not swaddle at all. How do they get their babies to sleep without waking themselves up? We   I have had terrible nights ever since she is not swaddled anymore. She had been sleeping from 9pm to 6am, which was glory for me really, and after sleeping that much at night it is horrible to go back to getting up at least twice before 6am. I am not going to even start talking about naps during the day because they are not happening! It has been a struggle, but I think I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. It takes her approximately half an hour to fall asleep but she eventually is able to do it. It makes for shorter naps but I will take it y’all (see what I did there? I am from the south now)
I love my little girls. While I was pregnant I kept asking myself what I would do with two little girls. Lisa is still a baby to me and I couldn’t imagine my life with two babies. As life goes on I now can’t even imagine not having both of them. Mika fits perfectly in our family. She is a very content little girl. Her dad said it best while giving her her baby blessing, “I bless you that you may always have your joyful disposition throughout your life and that you are able to help those in need because of your peaceful nature.”

I hear all the time that second children don’t get as much from us, and I agree until certain point. Yes I do not spend as much time alone with Mika as I did with Lisa, but at the same time I think I live more in the moment with Mika than I did with Lisa. I am not petrified and trying to do everything perfect. I do try to keep a schedule for naps and meals, but if she is not cooperating I don’t freak out. I am not the most put together mom, my house is not the cleanest and neatest, and I might to be the kind of mom with a thousand things going on and a super busy life, but I make sure that my kids are happy and healthy and as long as I have a semi-clean and safe house everything else can wait. Maybe one day I will be organized and motivated enough to do things other than being a mom to my girls like baking, scrap booking, sewing but for now I want to look back and remember all the time I gave my kids and not the other things going on, I want to remember the time when my baby girl got so big and smart and mobile that I needed to stop swaddling her.

This is when trouble started

Now she sleeps like this and it drives me crazy
Any other moms out there freak out and feel the need to check on their unswaddled babies every 2.5 minutes?

3 comentarios:

  1. I think babies love to sleep on their tummies. That was the thing you did in the olden days.

  2. You are a good mom. You are in a very busy time of life, it is good you can step back and prioritize the important things/ people.
    Avram always slept better on his tummy. He was never swatted

  3. I love seeing all the pictures of your beautiful daughters. You are a great mother. You have your priorities straight!
