After months of
stalking dogs at adoption events at the Pet smart close to our house I finally
got a furry friend. I originally met her at Pet Smart and fell in love with
her. I wanted to get a dog that would have a hard time getting adopted because
of her appearance. Ella is not a dog that you would consider super cute and
fluffy, but since we met her she has given us so much love and devotion that
really is impossible not to love her back. Since I was pregnant at the time the
rescue volunteers actually turned me down, they told me that they wanted to
make sure that Ella would go to her FOREVER home, and being pregnant was
something that they consider a reason why people dump their dogs at shelters.
Needless to say I got VERY offended that they would conclude I was that type of
person. Then they told me that Ella was a very energetic dog and that she wouldn't do well in an apartment, which I thought was very logic. I do not know
if you guys has ever watched one of those dog shows on the T.V, but the
adopters always say that they knew which one was their dog as soon as they saw
him or her. Well, that is exactly what happened to me. When I walked in front
of Ella’s cage she tried to reach with her paw, and when I got down to her
level she rubbed herself against the cage for me to pet her. I have loved her
since. After I got turned down I started looking at shelter, which made me cry
so much more than once. Sometimes I would like to be different; sometimes I
would love not to care like I do. When I walk through those places my heart
hurts for those animals, they are scared, sometimes cold or too hot, they want
to be touched and loved. I could not chose one from the shelter, so I wrote
back to the Georgia Homeless Pets Rescue and told them that if they did not
give me Ella I would go and adopt from somebody else. They immediately answered
back to tell me that actually Ella was becoming depressed and needed out. The deal
was that we were going to foster her until the baby was born and then wait to
see if she was okay with it (not the baby, they were worried about the dog) and
then decide whether to adopt her or not. Ella has loved Baby Lisa since day one.

We had a special
visit. Mom and Dad Anthony came to Atlanta. It was so nice to see them. They
are truly like my parents, I love them so much and it makes me so happy to see
them. They helped us set Baby Lisa’s
nursery. They took apart a changing table that Grandpa Larsen made so they
could travel with it and then they put it together again here. Sherrie also
made a super cute bedding set for the baby’s crib. I think that is one of the
most special things someone has done for me. Is hard to admit, but I get really
sad very often because I miss my parents, my siblings and my friends and now
that we are here by ourselves it gets even harder because I don’t even get to
see the Anthony family either. Sherrie took me to the fabric store and let me
chose the colors and everything, it was so hard and tiring for her even though
I tried to help. I love Lisa’s crib so much and I appreciate all the work
Sherrie put into it. I have so many good memories of that visit. It was when
they were here that I discovered the most delicious crab spread in the world. I
still crave it all the time! We also ate at some very interesting places that
Mike has found here in Atlanta. It was sad to see them leave. As I said, since
I have been here Dave and Sherrie have been so good to me. They are so special
to me.

Oh July! The worst and
best month of my life so far, I was so big and uncomfortable that I just wanted
to disappear. Baby Lisa would not stop moving. I kept asking myself if and when
she would sleep. I was being kicked all day long and all night long. I was
taking two classes online at the time and I could not sit for more than 30
minutes because she would start kicking me.
With the help of Dara and Aunt Kay Lynn we were able to buy a ticket for my mom so she could be here when Lisa was born. My mom works as a secretary in a Lab, she earns very little money and by law she only had 14 days of vacations. She had told her boss that I was due on August 3rd but that it could be sooner, or later. I was not having any signs of labor. On July 26th her boss went into the office and told my mom that I was taking too long to have my baby and that she wanted to go on vacations. She wanted my mom to be in the office while she was gone so she needed my mom to leave the following week. My mom told her that I was not in labor yet and that she only had 14 days. We didn’t want to get my mom here until I went into labor. My mom’s boss said she was sorry but that my mom needed to take her vacations starting Monday July 30th. Obviously I was devastated, I didn’t want to be induced and I didn’t want my mom to come for nothing. I cried my eyes out the day I had to buy her ticket. We prayed that I could go into labor on my own while my mom was here. Monday the 30th came and my mom traveled for 18 hours. We went to pick her up at 11:30 at night. At 2:00 am we got back to our apartment. After carefully introducing her to Ella (who later became my mom’s best buddy) we were getting ready to go to bed and we discussed my next day’s appointment. I was going to ask my doctor is he could induce me so that my mom could be here for the delivery. I said my good nights and told my mom I was going to put one more load of laundry in the dryer before I went to bed. When I bent down to pick up the laundry basket… Guess what? My water broke, and off we went to the hospital. Lisa Marielle Anthony was born 12 hours later on July 31st. I know it’s a cliché, but that day was truly the happiest of our lives. I will never forget the eyes of my baby looking into mine for the first time. I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for granting me that wish, having my mother with me was so special. I always thought Mike was going to be the “Coach” type of husband during the delivery, but actually he just went a little numb. He says he did not know what to say or do to make me feel better. My mom knew and I am grateful for the opportunity to have them both with me at a time when you have no control of anything.
With the help of Dara and Aunt Kay Lynn we were able to buy a ticket for my mom so she could be here when Lisa was born. My mom works as a secretary in a Lab, she earns very little money and by law she only had 14 days of vacations. She had told her boss that I was due on August 3rd but that it could be sooner, or later. I was not having any signs of labor. On July 26th her boss went into the office and told my mom that I was taking too long to have my baby and that she wanted to go on vacations. She wanted my mom to be in the office while she was gone so she needed my mom to leave the following week. My mom told her that I was not in labor yet and that she only had 14 days. We didn’t want to get my mom here until I went into labor. My mom’s boss said she was sorry but that my mom needed to take her vacations starting Monday July 30th. Obviously I was devastated, I didn’t want to be induced and I didn’t want my mom to come for nothing. I cried my eyes out the day I had to buy her ticket. We prayed that I could go into labor on my own while my mom was here. Monday the 30th came and my mom traveled for 18 hours. We went to pick her up at 11:30 at night. At 2:00 am we got back to our apartment. After carefully introducing her to Ella (who later became my mom’s best buddy) we were getting ready to go to bed and we discussed my next day’s appointment. I was going to ask my doctor is he could induce me so that my mom could be here for the delivery. I said my good nights and told my mom I was going to put one more load of laundry in the dryer before I went to bed. When I bent down to pick up the laundry basket… Guess what? My water broke, and off we went to the hospital. Lisa Marielle Anthony was born 12 hours later on July 31st. I know it’s a cliché, but that day was truly the happiest of our lives. I will never forget the eyes of my baby looking into mine for the first time. I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for granting me that wish, having my mother with me was so special. I always thought Mike was going to be the “Coach” type of husband during the delivery, but actually he just went a little numb. He says he did not know what to say or do to make me feel better. My mom knew and I am grateful for the opportunity to have them both with me at a time when you have no control of anything.
I was extremely lucky to have help for the first three weeks. My mom stayed for two weeks and then Sherrie came right after my mom left. I am so grateful for the things I learned from both.
Three days after I came from the hospital I had to go take my two finals for my internet classes. I spend all night studying, it was awful. I am very proud of myself, I managed to score A+ in both classes History and Math.
On August 25th Max was born and on the 26th my sister’s baby Roberto was born also. I am not sure about the details on Max’s delivery, but my sister broke her water at 2:30 in the morning and her baby was born at 5:00 in the morning. All natural delivery, no pain meds unlike me. I am so jealous.

The only thing I can remember from September, besides all the baby duty stuff is that, 1) I got a haircut and 2) I decided to make a tutu for Lisa for Mexico’s independence day (which is actually on September and not on 5 de Mayo) and from then I became a little crazy and made her like 10 tutus.After I figured that Lisa wasn't going to wear all the tutus I decided to make some more and donate them for the rescue dogs. I also made pearl necklaces for the lady dogs for the adoption event.

We met Dave Romney and his wife to go see BYU play at Georgia Tech. It was very fun to see the difference on the fans. While we were walking towards the stadium a group of Georgia Tech fans were saying that they kept seeing babies all over the place. Did you know that in the stadium they do not have changing tables in the women’s bathrooms but they do have them in the men’s bathroom? I thought it was nice. Mike had to do all the diapers. Lisa did not do so well, she got scared whenever something exciting happened and the fans went crazy. I spent most of the time away from people, but we did have fun being around BYU fans. All the missionaries were there with the mission president.

We went to the pet fair. Ella’s rescue group had a booth there and they had albums with the pictures of all the dogs available for adoption. Since we were fostering Ella she was in those albums and I started getting phone calls from people interested in her. I was not giving her up so I decided that it was time to adopt her into our family officially. She became Ella E. Anthony on November 2nd .

We went to Utah for Thanksgiving. I traveled with Lisa by myself. It was very stressful. I had to change flights with very little time, but we made it and we had a wonderful time. Mike met us there a week later. We had family pictures taken. Not my favorite thing to do when I still have baby weight on me, but they turned out very well at the end. Baby Lisa was very good with everybody except for Aunt Lisa. I don’t know why. At the end she started liking her, I think.
Lisa and I went to Mexico for Christmas. It was very sad that Mike could not join us. He had taken days off for Thanksgiving and had to stay in Atlanta. Lisa met my Dad and my siblings. It was fun to be there and have so many people eager to help with her. I felt spoiled having somebody wanting to change her diaper, play with her, and give her baths all the time.
My nephew Roberto was baptized in the Catholic Church. The following weeks my Dad asked my sister if it was ok to give the baby a blessing in our church and they said yes. My Dad was very nervous, but he did very well.

We came back from Mexico, it was very sad lo leave. I have never cried so much. I think it was harder to see my family say goodbye to Baby Lisa. It made them very upset; I hope we can go back soon.
I was very happy to see my husband and to come back home. It is interesting how HOME becomes the place where your spouse is. Every time I go somewhere I feel like a visitor now. Mike, Baby Lisa, and Ella are home.
We had been looking for a hose for a while. We live in a really nice area in Sandy Spring Georgia. With our budget we could only afford an apartment or a town home. Mike kept telling me that we could afford a family home if we moved out of Sandy Springs, which is really expensive. I did not want to leave this area, it is just so pretty. I am also used to the ward here and to have the Temple so close (although we are not very good at going lately). Right after I came back from Mexico I went to see a house that had been in the market for 2 days. While I was there with our agent (an LDS agent who was super nice) the agent for the house told us that they had several offers already. I texted Mike that I wanted the place. We put and offer two days later. A week later the agent told us that our offer had been accepted, and that is how we bought our first place.
Mike also started his master at Georgia Tech. He loves it.
We close on our home on the 28TH and we were supposed to move the next day, but something happened with the wiring of the money and they told us it would take 10 more days. We had to leave our rental apartment on March 1st.
The agent felt bad that we had to stay in an Extended Stay and gave us the code to get into our place even though it wasn't official. So basically we were evicted from our rental and the we broke in into our place.
March 5th was my birthday. Mike got in big trouble for mot making an effort to do something special for me. I have not forgiven him yet. Our neighbor Steve gave me a gift card and we went to eat sushi. I LOVE sushi.
Mike’s boss was fired and the temporary Account Manager is actually his professor from Georgia Tech. How is that for a coincidence? He really likes Mike and has already given him a lot of projects. Mike told me that he is going to be super busy. I don’t know how can that happen if Mike already works from 7 in the morning to 7 at night. He has gone for two days without seeing Lisa this weeks, and had to work all day on Saturday.
We also met with Uncle Russ and Aunt Kay Lynn. It was very nice to see family. They took us out for dinner and we had a wonderful time. I love hearing bout their adventures.
We also met with Uncle Russ and Aunt Kay Lynn. It was very nice to see family. They took us out for dinner and we had a wonderful time. I love hearing bout their adventures.
Our precious Baby Lisa has been a joy. Here is a timeline (sort of)
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1 day old |
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1 day old |
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Going home from the hospital |
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1 week old |
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1 week old |
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2 weeks old |
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3 weeks old |
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1 month old |
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1 month old |

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2 months old |
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3 months old |
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4 months old |
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4 months old |
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5 months old |
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6 months old |
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7 months old |
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8 months old |
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8 months old |
Diana thank you for doing a blog. I miss seeing your pictures and reading about what is happening. Please don't stop. It is one way we can keep track of you.
ResponderEliminarDiana -- WOW!! How nice! What a great update. We had really missed seeing pictures of your baby and you and Mike living in Atlanta. I didn't even know you had bought a house. I loved all the cute photos of Lisa changing each month. The baby bedspread and lettering on the wall is very cute. I'll bet your Mom is going crazy not seeing you and the baby. I am going crazy not seeing my newest granddaughter also. It's nice to have internet face time so we can see her a little bit from time to time. You are having great experiences and I know you will be blessed as you serve faithfully and help build the Kingdom in Georgia.
ResponderEliminarI love that you are blogging! I get to know little Lisa better and find out about your lives. The only thing I am really upset about is that the only picture that Lisa is crying in that whole post is with me.
ResponderEliminarYou have had such an exciting and wonderful year. I am so happy for you. I am also jealous you got three weeks of moms after having Lisa! I got 3 days once:)
Hopefully you can work things out so you and your family can visit more often. You have such an amazing family and I just love that little Roberto!!!
We love you guys and really miss you!
Love the pictures and update. Taking a test right after having Lisa and doing well on them, you are amazing! That is nice to have your mom there to help you for that long, I've never had help. Love the tutu's they are so cute! Your new house looks great!
ResponderEliminarYea, it's great to see a new post!! I love all the pictures and reading about whats been going on. Lisa is so cute and we enjoyed our visit with you, even if it was short. I can see why you like it there so much. I'm glad everything is going well.
ResponderEliminarLove, Kay Lynn