Anyway, this year I
decided to send him one of those edible arrangements to work. He likes fruit and
chocolate so I figured he would like that. I called the place and arranged for
them to deliver the thing right after lunch. At around 1:30 pm Mike calls me and
tells me he is coming home early so we can go have dinner together!! UGH!! Then
I had to tell him that I had sent him something to his office. He told me he
was not going back to his office. So I had to call the place and tell them that
we were going to go pick the arrangement ourselves. So at the end Mike had to
go pick up his own “surprise”. I think I am going to give up trying to surprise
him. . We went out to have dinner, and then we bought Ice cream and ate it with
the fruit basket. That is all, we got home at 7:30 and he fell asleep at 8
because he is always so tired.
He turned 28 years
old. Needless to say how much I love him. I am really proud of what he has accomplished.
He works so hard, sometimes too hard. He is off to work before 7 in the morning
and comes back after 7 at night, or later when he goes to school. It is really
hard to be alone all day long. Sometimes when he comes home I just want to have
him do the dishes or put Lisa to bed, but then I remember that he is also super
tired. He is a good husband and tries really hard to make me happy. He is a
good man and deserves the best; I hope one day I can surprise him.

Lisa is being crazy like always. I think I have said this before, but she really is an active baby. She has been standing on her little legs since she was 3 months old, the started scooting when she was 5 months old and crawling at 6 months. She has also been walking around furniture for a couple of weeks. Sometimes I am happy she is doing all these things, but then I think that there is no rush. I actually wish she wouldn't be doing some of the things she is doing. Now I have to be extra vigilant because she is all over the place. I remember when I could put her down in the floor and go do something because she couldn't even flip over. Now I cannot do the same, I have to put her in her pack and play while I cook or clean and she hates it, but then if I let her run free she gets into everything, like the dogs food and water. She is being a little fuzzy this week, which is not normal. So I put my finger in her mouth and felt a tooth coming. I do not want them to come yet, I love her toothless smile so much!
I couldn't resist
these sunglasses. Mike says it is a stupid thing to buy, but when he saw her he
took it back and said she looks too funny! Now he loves when she wears them. I
do not know why she doesn't even try to take them off. I thinks she knows is
Ella always eats as soon as we put her food in her bowl. Today she did not and when we turn to see what Lisa was doing she already had some of Ella's food in her hand. Also she splashed water form Ella's bowl all over the floor. Ella is a great dog, she is usually kind of rough when playing, but when Lisa is around she is very gentle. I have been teaching Lisa that it is not okay to pull Ella's ears or tail, and that is not okay to climb on her or run her over. I am of the opinion that kids should not treat animals as toys. The fact that they are gentle and let them do it does not mean they like it. Besides not all animals are as nice as our family pets and our kids should know what to do or not to do with strange animals. I do not know at what point Lisa would get it, but we will keep trying.
Sorry about the blurry pictures. I do not know how to take good pictures of a baby who cannot stay put for a second.
One of the things I said I would never buy was baby shoes. Non walking baby shoes. I thinks there is no need and it might hurt their developing feet. However, I came across this shoes and could not resist. They were on sale and have a Swarovski Crystal detail, besides they are pink! This is another buy that got me in trouble with Mr. Mike, but in my defense this is the second pair of shoes I have ever bought for her and they were less than 15 dollars... Ok I have no defense.
Happy Birthday Mike! Tyrel is the SAME exact way, he is impossible to surprise, he always guesses my presents everytime! Little Lisa is SO darn cute! And I love her little glasses and her little pink shoes!
ResponderEliminarHappy Birthday Mike, again! Lisa is sooo cute. Such big smiles. She has the cutest clothes.
ResponderEliminarIt's sure fun to see your beautiful baby. She is a real movie star with those shoes and dark glasses. Happy BD to Mike!
ResponderEliminarI love all the pictures you posted. I miss little Lisa so much.
ResponderEliminarThat is so funny about Mike's birthday. One of these years you will figure out something. Little Lisa is so cute!