lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Mom, I am going to Utah!

I came to Utah for the first time in August 2008. And here is where everything changed. I already knew that the church was good, I knew that it was going to change my life, I met Michael’s family and I started wishing a family like that, I remember saying to myself: “I want a family like this one” I wanted my kids to be close to god like Avram was the day I met him. But I was afraid that I didn’t have a strong testimony yet to tell my parents that I was going to get baptized, I didn’t want them to think that this was all about Michael. I was afraid. I was praying to gain a strong testimony, to be able to understand the Book of Mormon, nothing, I could not get an answer.
I felt that I had to have some spectacular answer to my prayers (something like the first vision). But nothing happened. I had to instead proceed with the small whisperings of the spirit that did continue to guide me. I think it would have been easier to have some big sign from the Lord but I decided to act on the small promptings I received. I just knew it was the right thing to do.
While I was here I met a wonderful man, Brother Arturo Morales. I remember the day I talk to him very well, I remember the way I felt when I stepped into his home, but what I remember the most are the words of comfort and the extraordinary testimony of what my life could be if I just made the right decision. He told me that I didn’t need to know by memory the Book of Mormon, and that I did have a testimony because I knew the church was good, I knew that it was going to change my life and because I had read the Book of Mormon and that I knew that the things I read there were true. His testimony and the spirit I felt that day made a great impact on my decision to get baptized and I want you to know how grateful I am for him.
That was the answer to my prayers.
When I returned home from Utah I knew I wanted to be baptized. I tried to drop hints that I wanted to be baptized but I was totally ignored. Then came what I call round three. I had to tell my parents that I was going to be baptized and I wasn’t asking for permission, again. My heart melted as I witnessed the hurt, disappointment, and anger in my parents’ faces. I got baptized six months later I came here. And even though I was going against my parents will I felt confident because I knew it was the right thing to do. I was acting upon answers to prayers.
My Dad started hating my visits to their bedroom. I had prayed for the wisdom and courage to face my parents when Mike and I decided it was time me to come to Utah to live and go to school. How could I ask my parents to let me leave? During the fourth round I once again saw the pain and hurt on my parents face as I followed the impressions that I had been given to leave home, learn another language and to live in a different country. That was another hard decision, I left my home, my parents, my brother and my sister, my beloved pets, my lifetime friends, but once again I was blessed with a wonderful family that was waiting for me here, I remember my first day here in Dave and Sherrie’s house, she told me: “I want you to feel like this is your home” and let me tell you something, there has not been a day that I don’t feel like that is my home, or that I am not loved and care for and I will be forever grateful for that too.m

4 comentarios:

  1. Our home isn't complete without you. Love you Mom

  2. That was really neat to hear your side of the story. I am impressed by your courage and determination to do what's right. We are so glad that you are apart of our family too! I am so glad that you are now my sister.

  3. Thank you for sharing these first few entries on your blog. It is fun to read and fun to get to know you a little better. I'm also impressed by your courage and determination to do what's right with all the opposition. What a tough thing to go through. It's not always easy to do what's right, but we will be blessed in the end, as you have been. I am also very glad you are apart of the Anthony family.

  4. It is those hard experiences in your life that help your testimony strengthen and grow. I wish it didn't have to be so hard but when we realize and learn to trust in God over everything and anyone else we truly find happiness.
