domingo, 28 de julio de 2013

Goodbye Black Widow

It finally happened. The black widow is no longer in our lives. Most of you know the story of this car I think. In 2007 Mike found the car online and decided to go to Chicago to get it. I was still living in Mexico so the only thing I remember is him telling me that he was going to pick up a car. It was not until after I moved to the U.S. that I learned that the whole family told him that it was not a good idea. Apparently he bought a plane ticket and went there to buy the car. My understanding is that everybody told him to invest a little bit of money and have a mechanic look at the car before finalizing the sale, but that did not happen. I remember getting a text that said "My car is awesome, I am going back home", that was in the morning. At 7 or 8 at night I received another text that said "The car broke down". That is how everything started. I am not sure how many things were wrong with the car, maybe Sherrie can help me fill the gaps in the story. Fast forward to 2008 when I went to visit Mike in Utah I started seeing problems with the car. We were going to Las Vegas because Mike wanted to take me to see the Cirque Du Soleil. On our way there the car broke down and Mike had to pay a guy to do some fixing, I do not even remember what he problem was, my point is that ever since I came in contact with the car is has been problem after problem. I put up with it because I obviously did not have a choice. While I was pregnant I was very concerned that we were going to have a baby and we were going to have to put our baby in the back seat, with no windows, in a black car, with no air conditioning. I remember having one of those "pregnancy moments", I was crying and I told Mike I was not putting my baby trough it. Of course we had Lisa and no way to change cars, but by the time we started going out with Lisa it was winter. It has gotten very hot lately here in Atlanta, and Lisa had started to sweat really bad. Every time I would take her out her head would be soaking wet. Last week I gave Mike an ultimatum; I said "This is the last time I put my baby in the back of this car" with an angry tone and a dirty look. I thought nothing was going to happen but I though I would put it out there. Mike had told me that he was going to drive the car until it died.
Last Tuesday July 23rd, which was actually our third anniversary the car broke down again. Poor Mike had been working all day and then had to go to class. It was 9 already and there he was stranded on an intersection close to our home. When he called me and told me that black widow had broken down I have to admit I smiled, a real big smile. The next day the mechanic told him that the fuel pump was bad and it was going to cost us 800 dollars. I said NO WAY JOSE!!!
He called the mechanic and told him that we were not going to put more money into the car and asked him to hold on while we figured what to do next. Amazingly, the mechanic offered to buy the car, and that is how the black widow has left us forever.
I could not have asked for a better anniversary present.
This is the only picture of black widow I could find

Anniversary flowers. He also sent me some sushi rolls that didn't make it to the picture, yum

My furniture painting is going very well. I dream of black paint. I will try to get some pictures of the pieces that are done. I have no time to do things around the house. When Lisa is awake she demands all my attention so I paint when she is sleeping. Here are some pictures I took after church last week.

Lisa is not interested in walking at all. She will stand without support if she wants to use both hands for something, but if she needs to move from one place to another she crawls. At first I though that maybe she was a little behind, but then I stopped myself. I can barely keep up with her; she is one busy child. Sometimes I wonder how it feels to have your baby sitting on your lap for ten seconds. Lisa just keeps going, its like she is on red bull and coffee all the time. So I decided that I am not even going to encourage walking until she decides to do it. Can you imagine Lisa moving AND having both of her hands free? That sounds like disaster to me. We were talking to a sales man yesterday while looking for cars and he told me he got tired just watching me trying to keep up with Baby Lisa. Sometimes I wonder why can't I lose these baby pounds I still have a year later. Believe it or not I sometimes forget to eat lunch and end up eating a granola bar while reading to Lisa. Anyway, I will try to take some pictures of my furniture next time.
And thanks for the advice on the food issue, it is still hard, but I am trying to be strong, is just really hard not to give her what I know she will eat when I see how tiny she is and the calories she burns all day, but I guess if I don't do it now and get her used to healthy things its going to get harder the older she gets. Wish me luck!
Lisa eats 1 whole avocado a day for lunch

Ella is the best vacuum/mop that ever existed

I have this problem with my camera, the flash warns Lisa and she always closes her eyes, I cant find an option for a quick flash, maybe the camera doesn't have that option

Lisa loves to take out all of Ella's toys

6 comentarios:

  1. Michael ended up having to take the train home and having his "new" car shipped out to Utah because the dealer he bought it from wouldn't even talk to him about it. They saw him coming for sure. First repair on that car was a new engine. I can't see how you wouldn't love any car as long as it had air conditioning.

    1. true. I just updated the entry to put more pictures. I don't know if you saw them all

  2. Its good you put your foot down. Men need a nudge/ push sometimes.

  3. Que lindo Dianita que londo que seas feliz y llena de cosas tan lindas
    en tu vida y tu familia. Es una gran alegria sanerlo

  4. Good bye black widow, glad it finally died. Very cute pictures of Lisa!
